Welp. That will do it for the One Graham Army Podcast as we know it. But don’t fret (or celebrate depending on how you feel about my crappy content) because the brand new Grubbin’ With Graham is dropping soon *working title*. We will discuss food of all kinds from crappy noodles to fancy dining with guests, call ins and more! It will be better and more structured than ever before. Can’t wait to see you there. Special thanks to anyone who ever supported, interacted or even despised my previous efforts. This has been an interesting hobby and I look forward to improving on the experience.
One time donations of any amount available at https://ko-fi.com/onegrahamarmy Consider supporting the Global War On Coherency at https://www.patreon.com/onegrahamarmy
Google “One Graham Army” for socials and more
Go shirt yourself with Shirt Caviar!